1.The World Health Organization has indicated that in the next few years, neurological disorders, most of which are invisible, will affect one billion people worldwide.
2. The National Institute of Mental Health states that nearly half of all adults are likely to experience a mental health issue over their lifetime.
3. US Census reports have identified that at least 1 in 5 individuals has a disability, and approximately 75% of these disabilities are invisible.
4. According to Department of Labor statistics there are over 29,000,000 adults with a disability, and only about 5,000,000 of these adults are currently employed.
5. A Cornell University 2011 Disability Status report indicates that there are more than 1,000,000 individuals with disabilities who are between the ages of 16 and 20, who are about to enter the workforce.
6. According to the International Disability Organization, 85% of people with disabilities will acquire their disability during their working life.
7. The average employee has about a 30% chance of developing a long-term disability, according to the Council on Disability Awareness.
8. According to the National Institute of Literacy, as many as 25% of the adult population has a learning disability.
9. These issues are even greater for specific sub-groups of the population, such as the veteran community, with estimates of as many as 500,000 veterans returning from recent service with disabilities.
10. The National Organization on Disability indicates that, despite the rapid growth of the disability demographic, fewer than 1 in 3 companies has a disability-specific policy in place. CC