• A First-person Account

     brain photo illustrative for A First Person Account by Dr. Maria Romanas

    Maria Romanas, MD, PhD, writes about living with the symptoms of traumatic brain injury. Dr Romanas is a pathologist at the VA Medical Center in Kansas City.

    My story is an example of what it takes to salvage a life and career from severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). It took me 13 years to diagnose myself with a brain injury and 16 more years to find the cognitive rehabilitation I needed to maximize my functional recovery. For the most part, I did this on my own.

  • Cognitive Disabilities; A Significant Yet Unaddressed Challenge For Competitive Integration In The Workplace

    competition ahead increase speed signs photo for illustrationOrganizations such as LEAD represent the significant commitment and determination of employers, as well as the United States government, to improve the employability and economic self-sufficiency of people with disabilities. One of the most challenged demographics is that of individuals with cognitive disabilities.